New Study Shows Carbonated Beverage with High-Intensity Sweeteners has No Effect on Insulin Sensitivity & Secretion

New Study Shows Carbonated Beverage with High-Intensity Sweeteners has No Effect on Insulin Sensitivity & Secretion

A very recent study (1) showed that consumption of a carbonated beverage with sweeteners has no effect on Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion in Nondiabetic Adults. For every study like this there seems to be equal fearmongering, self-reported anecdotes and associative studies promoting an anti-sweetener and anti-sweetness agenda. How many studies will it take for people to realize that focusing on non-nutritive sweeteners is most likely a wild goose chase that further leads to the creation of newer sweeteners with the claims that it's superior to the previous generation of sweeteners.


New Study Shows Carbonated Beverage with High-Intensity Sweeteners has No Effect on Insulin Sensitivity & Secretion

The study was a double blind and randomized crossover trial with 50 finishing participants where nondiabetic adults, either overweight or nonoverweight, consumed carbonated beverages with aspartame and Acesulfame K for 12 weeks. At the end of the study they found no significant effect on insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, body weight, dietary consumption and physical activity.

In other words, these people had the luxury of consuming sweetened beverages every day and had no specific issues with it. This study is fantastic as it practically isolates JUST the sweetener on its own as the intervention.

Fast Foods


Food and nutrition are more complicated than demonizing one specific ingredient and calling it a day. That's just lazy finger pointing and may show knee-jerk-I-hate-everything-that-is-made-by-man reaction. Linking a plethora of associative studies that don't show causation isn't the way to go either. Most sweeteners are relatively inert towards the body though an argument can be made that certain sweeteners may have an edge over the other or may be more ketotic. Also, since when has anyone consumed sweeteners in spoonfuls as is? They normally come with flavorings and food textures to create a specific food item. That food item, in combination with other food items, create the ultimate storm(crunchy, salty, sweet, spicy, melt-in-your-mouth) of overconsumption. Focusing on sweeteners is like looking at the elephant in the room and stating that the tail of the elephant is the biggest problem.


New Study Shows Carbonated Beverage with High-Intensity Sweeteners has No Effect on Insulin Sensitivity & Secretion

What are your goals? Is it fat loss, optimal health, nutritional ketosis or gaining muscle? In most of your journeys(unless your goal is to avoid sweeteners like the plague of Egypt for god knows what reason!), a sweetener in the form of a sweet food item can be incorprated smartly into the diet of most people to maintain adherence and experiencing the sweet flavor and sensation. The body has interesting mechanisms from limiting caloric overload from At Ketogeek, we love to use sweeteners in our products and enjoy the vast array of sweet, salty and spicy foods while attaining our goals. Do sweeteners help you in your goals too? Let us know in the comments below!


(1)  Consumption of a Carbonated Beverage with High-Intensity Sweeteners Has No Effect on Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion in Nondiabetic Adults. 

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