Potassium Enriched Salt Substitute is Superior to Sodium Salt, A Scientific Systematic Review & Meta-analysis Study States

Potassium Enriched Salt Substitute is Superior to Sodium Salt, A Scientific Systematic Review & Meta-analysis Study States

In many low-carb, ketogenic, and various health communities, you may be hearing large claims, testimonials, and anecdotes about increasing sodium intake and that it is completely fine. However, these are usually downstream consequences of salt and electrolyte supplement sellers and affiliates trying to make a quick buck from naive customers.

When we look at precise science, salt intake is problematic. In a very recent systematic review and meta-analysis(1), 21 studies and 31,949 participants, reduction in salt intake and substitution led to improvement in total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular events.

Consequently, substituting salt may be beneficial when it comes to blood pressure and health. It is also important to note that Americans, on average, consume higher than recommended daily allowance(RDA) of salt(sodium) per day all ready so supplementing or adding extra salt is at best not helpful but may be detrimental at worst.

Our Energy Pods contain minimal to no sodium whereas they do contain more electrolytes, potassium and magnesium, than commonly available electrolyte drinks and mixes.