Heart disease is the number one killer in United States and with most major heart attacks happening in people with normal cholesterol(1), it's about time we figure out what exactly causes heart disease and troubleshoot the underlying issues. We may have been on a wild goose chase for the last few decades, further defended and propagated by documentaries and health associations, and it potentially costed us lives of millions of people globally.
Bio: Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI completed a Chemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. Ivor’s particular specialty is leading teams in complex problem-solving scenarios. Several years ago Ivor encountered a complex technical challenge in his personal life. Receiving poor blood test results, he was unable to get solutions via the doctors consulted. He thus embarked on an intense period of biochemical research into the science of human metabolism. Within eight weeks he had resolved and optimized all of his blood test metrics. Also, he had shed 30lbs of bodyfat with relative ease. In the following years he continued his research on the many “root causes” of modern disease, from “cholesterol” through to insulin resistance. He has also given many public talks and chaired interviews with various health experts.
Time Stamps:
4:58 – Paradigm shift in cardiology
6:36 – How do practitioners respond to latest research in cardiology?
7:46 – How do regular people and cardiologists find reliable science?
9:25 – What are the challenges for physicians & cardiologists going low carb?
10:28 – What brought Ivor to the low carb lifestyle?
13:25 – What is the relevance of Cholesterol, Ferritin & GGT for heart disease?
15:57 – Why Ivor decided to go against the doctor’s advice
17:17 – Relevance of particle sizes of cholesterol?
18:43 – Various ratios and how they represent insulin sensitivity
20:23 – HOMA index and the 2-hour insulin test
23:00 – The role of blood pressure in heart conditions
25:23 – Role of insulin resistance & hyperinsulinemia in heart disease
28:44 – High fat vs. High carb in the context of insulin resistance
32:45 – Calcification test, inflammation & buildup in arteries
36:42 – How is a calcification test conducted?
38:00 – How can you have the Calcification test done?
40:31 – Mechanism and concerns with Statin drugs
43:26 – Steps to take if you have heart disease and the “Ten Commandments”
47:26 – How to fast and keep it simple?
51:40 – Can everyone become insulinemic and insulin resistant?
54:56 – Role of genetics vs. environment in driving chronic conditions & insulin
57:47 – Can chasing low insulin go too far?
1:01:36 – Type 3, Type 4 & Type 5 Diabetes XD
1:05:10 – What is IGF-1 or Insulin-like Growth Factor 1?
1:06:46 – How do vegetable oils drive inflammation in the body?
1:11:36 – American Heart Association & their BS science.
1:14:23 – How fat storage and insulin resistance works in both overweight and seemingly thin people
1:19:09 – Can an overweight but insulin sensitive person be at risk of chronic diseases?
1:23:55 – Appetite & low carb or Keto diet
1:25:49 – What kind of study would Ivor conduct in humans?
1:29:15 – How do you make sense out of anecdotes?
1:33:45 – Magical claims about keto and exogenous ketone products
1:37:00 – Final Notes & Plug
Ivor Cummins YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPn4FsiQP15nudug9FDhluA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FatEmperor
Website: www.thefatemperor.com
Ketogeek: https://ketogeek.com/
(1) https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-04/ah-msf041217.php