America Has a Nonsensical Diet Addiction That Sets Up People to Fail and Has to Stop

America Has a Nonsensical Diet Addiction That Sets Up People to Fail and Has to Stop

Junk processed information has been one of the biggest plagues of humanity that have led to the creation of dogma and catastrophes that have claimed lives of millions of lives. From the world wars and needless hatred to the creation of disastrous products, junk information is something everyone needs to be wary of.

In the realm of food and nutrition, diets make humanity dumber with every die that comes out. You see, for information processors(eg. Diet gurus, bloggers, writers, etc.) to stay in business, they have to find something sensational to monetize and sell to you. The diet culture allows these charlatans to constantly create new permutations of foods based on extremely vague and poor types of nutrition science. These kinds of approaches allow the expression of narcissism and control over others while creating localized diet cult leaders.

The antidote to all of this junk information is creating tangible science around the understanding of foods. Hard quantification and objectivity remove confounders and vagueness which leaves many of these charlatans with little to sell. This is why they crusade against processed foods rather than focus on improving them. No one wins when these charlatans lead the masses down the path of diets that continue to fail.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Diets embody this insanity with different labels and buzz words. No more diets. We need better foods instead.