According to Science, Clean Eating Blogs & Recipes are a Scam

According to Science, Clean Eating Blogs & Recipes are a Scam

Many times you see labels such as 'clean' or 'healthy' written on blogs and media articles along with recipes. However, that is usually a scam as noted by this study(1).
Though these self-proclaimed clean and healthy recipes are higher in protein, fat, and fiber, these recipes still contain the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, sugars, and sodium which are all associated with negative health outcomes when consumed in excess.

These so-called 'clean' and 'healthy' recipes show that they are similarly moderate to high in fat, salt, and sugar. These claims are misleading to consumers and therefore potentially harmful and undermine people's efforts to eat healthily and get results.

In other words, not only do consumers spend money and labor on looking up and making these recipes using ingredients at retail prices, there is no certainty that these recipes will yield better health outcomes.

The major solution to this is to help usher in better-processed foods that can provide convenience, taste, and a standardized approach to food and nutrition. This is why we made Energy Pods that you can bring to your life and smartly incorporate into your diet while saving time, money, headache, and effort. Go get some and usher in an era of better processed foods.