Energy Pods are unique because they are sugar-free and made from locally sourced ingredients from the Bay Area. We make our ghee and then combine it with other locally sourced and healthy ingredients inside grinding machines for days on end. In the end, we get an extremely tasty and healthy snack/meal replacement, unlike anything you'd find in the market.
A unique property of the Energy Pods is its synergy with wine. This synergy was observed by a couple of our winemaker friends in Napa. In a nutshell, the Energy Pods coat the mouth with rich and creamy flavor while the alcohol in the wine cuts through and resets the palate.
Currently, we have four flavors in the market: Chocolate Fudge, White Chocolate Strawberry, Pecan Coconut, and Breakfast Mocha Noir. You can either purchase them from our online store or drop by any of our retail locations to try them out.
At the end of 2021, we started to get into local stores in Napa. When you get into new stores, you need a point of purchase display that explains to potential customers what your product is. However, we decided to take it one step ahead and started using 3D printing to create point of purchase displays that were uniquely themed to the shops that shelved our product.
3D printing models also fit our long-term vision of environment and sustainability as these models are made using PLA(Polylactic Acid) which can be extracted from sugar beets or corn. Due to this, PLA is biodegradable, reusable, and compostable, unlike traditional plastics.
The goal was to bring more attention to the businesses by giving every customer a unique experience when they visited one of the businesses that shelved our product. In tough times like these, local businesses can use as much help as possible.
In the future, we plan to use 3D printing in foods, study the architecture of foods and create unique designs and displays for our retailers or other manufacturers.
Boardgarden, Napa, California:

Jeffries General, Napa, California

This display took nearly 3 days to create. Jeffries General is located at the heart of Napa as a boutique and general store so we decided to created a more artisan looking display with wine barrels on the sides. Here’s how it looks in store:

Sunshine Market, St. Helena, California

Sunshine Market is a very busy grocery store and therefore they have a limited shelf space. The Energy Pods were situated next to their deli and other grab-n-go snacks. This design took nearly a day and a half to make. We used neodymium magnets instead of traditional clips to attach this display to the panel in front of the Energy Pods: