There are great humans and then there are larger than life figures such as Professor Tim Noakes. We call them legends. This is a must listen podcast for everyone that will send shivers down some spines as the medical, pharmaceutical and food industry is facing viral disruptions from people self-empowering themselves.
Time Stamps:
1:55: Narrative of a world-renowned researcher shifting from high carb to low carb.
5:54: Story behind Noakes Foundation.
7:12: Latest research being conducted by Noakes Foundation regarding diabetes.
9:07: How to learn in the modern era.
11:47: Influence of social media on the dietary guidelines by American Heart Association
13:20: Is the world getting better as far as food and nutrition is concerned?
14:37: Types of Scientific Studies: Anecdotal Evidence, Observational Studies, Randomized Controlled Trials and Meta-Analysis
18:45: Why most studies are irrelevant and distortion of data by pharmaceutical industries
20:05: Example of Relative and Absolute risk reduction and how research companies exaggerate statistics.
23:53: Virta health and future of medicine.
25:31: Are social media testimonials(N=1) akin to randomized controlled trials?
27:27: What can pharmaceutical and food companies do the help end nutritional diseases?
30:42: What can medical professionals and students do if they disagree with what they have learnt?
34:21: Paradigm shifts in the medical industry and the power of N=1 studies.
38:27: The downplayed role of insulin resistance in chronic diseases across the country.
42:10: Can a high carb and low carb diet be combined in athleticism?
45:13: Benefits of a fat burning diet for both blue and white collar jobs.
47:44: Benefits of low carb during off-seasons and down times.
49:07: Glycogen storage, replenishment and fat burning in both high and low carb diets.
52:41: Could you run out of body fat to burn?
53:57: Does the rate of gluconeogenesis vary on a low carb vs. a high carb diet?
55:20: Why low carb hasn’t been popular in the mainstream athleticism.
57:32: Why ‘fatigue’ as an emotion.
1:01:19: Wisdom from Professor Noakes to everyone.
1:02:40: Can and should kids, babies and toddlers be on a low carb diet?
1:04:56: Final Words
Prof Noakes has MBChB, MD and a DSc (Med) in Exercise Science and is one of the global figures in the world of exercise science, food and nutrition. He has published more than 750 scientific books and articles, cited more than 16,000 times in scientific literature, has an H-index of 71 and has been rated an A1 scientist by the National Research Foundation of South Africa for a second 5-year term. He has won numerous awards over the years and made himself available on many editorial boards.