Blanched Almonds: The Nutritional Powerhouse Redefining Healthy Snacking

Blanched Almonds: The Nutritional Powerhouse Redefining Healthy Snacking

In the quest for optimal nutrition, the focus often shifts to what we should include in our diets. However, equally important is understanding what to minimize – specifically, anti-nutrients and toxins in plant-based foods. Recent studies shed light on the significance of these compounds and how smart food processing, like almond blanching, can mitigate their effects. This article explores the science behind anti-nutrients and toxins, their impact on health, and how KG Food Company's CocoZen and Energy Pods, with blanched almonds as a key ingredient, offer a superior nutritional choice.

What are Blanched Almonds?

Blanched almonds are a variation of almonds that have had their outer skin removed. The blanching process involves briefly immersing almonds in boiling water and then quickly cooling them. This results in the skin becoming loose and easy to peel off, leaving behind the smooth, ivory-colored almond underneath. Blanched almonds are a popular choice in cooking and baking due to their appearance and texture. They are often used in recipes where the presence of almond skins might affect the final product's taste or aesthetics.

How are Almonds Blanched?

The process of blanching almonds is relatively straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Boiling Water: Start by bringing a pot of water to a rolling boil. The water should be deep enough to submerge the almonds fully.

  2. Almond Immersion: Add the almonds to the boiling water and let them simmer for about one to two minutes. This blanching time can vary slightly based on the size and variety of the almonds.

  3. Quick Cooling: Immediately remove the almonds from the boiling water and transfer them into a bowl of ice-cold water or run them under cold tap water. This rapid cooling process halts the cooking and loosens the almond skins.

  4. Peeling: Once cooled, the almond skins will easily slip off when you gently squeeze them. You can also use your fingers to remove the skins.

  5. Drying: After peeling, it's essential to allow the blanched almonds to dry thoroughly before using them in your recipes. You can achieve this by spreading them on a clean kitchen towel or paper towel and letting them air dry.

Blanched almonds are versatile and can be used in various culinary creations, from almond flour for gluten-free baking to almond slivers for garnishing dishes. Their smooth texture and mild flavor make them a popular choice for those who prefer the delicate taste of almonds without the added crunch of their skins.

Understanding Anti-Nutrients and Toxins:

Anti-nutrients are compounds found in various plant foods that can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients. Common examples include oxalates, phytates, and lectins. Oxalates, for instance, can bind to minerals like calcium, reducing their bioavailability and potentially contributing to kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals. Toxins like aflatoxins, produced by certain molds, can contaminate nuts and legumes, posing health risks.

Insights from Key Studies:

  1. Oxalate Absorption from Almonds and Black Beans: This study highlights the differential absorption of oxalates from almonds and black beans. It found that oxalate absorption from almonds was significantly higher than from black beans, emphasizing the importance of food processing methods in reducing oxalate levels.
  2. Blanching's Effect on Aflatoxin Contamination: Blanching almonds significantly reduces aflatoxin content, a potent carcinogen. This study demonstrates that blanching not only lowers aflatoxin levels in almonds but also prevents cross-contamination in the blanching process.
  3. Oxalate Bioavailability in Foods: Extending the research on oxalate bioavailability, this study confirms that the impact of oxalate-rich foods on urinary oxalate excretion depends on both content and bioavailability. Foods like almonds, with moderate oxalate content and bioavailability, can moderately increase oxalate excretion.

The Science of Blanching:

Blanching, a process involving brief exposure to hot water, is more than just a culinary technique. It effectively reduces anti-nutrients like oxalates and neutralizes enzymes that can lead to spoilage and toxin production. By denaturing proteins and breaking down cell walls, blanching enhances nutrient availability and reduces potential toxins, making almonds a safer and more nutritious option.

CocoZen and Energy Pods: A Step Ahead:

At KG Food Company, we understand the importance of minimizing anti-nutrients and toxins in our diet. That's why CocoZen and Energy Pods feature blanched almonds as a primary ingredient. This choice isn't just about taste; it's a deliberate decision to enhance the nutritional profile of our products. By reducing anti-nutrients and toxins, we ensure that our customers enjoy not only the delicious taste of almonds but also their full nutritional benefits.


The journey to optimal health is multifaceted, involving careful consideration of what we consume. The studies highlighted here underscore the importance of food processing techniques like blanching in enhancing the nutritional value of plant-based foods. CocoZen and Energy Pods from KG Food Company exemplify this approach, offering products that are not only delicious but also nutritionally superior, thanks to the power of blanched almonds.

Dive Deeper with KG Food Company: Elevate your journey to better health with our Energy Pods or CocoZen, the world’s best almond chocolate spread, meticulously crafted for taste and wellness while building our food model and framework. Plus, join us on our acclaimed 'Energize, Explore, Enjoy Podcast,' where we delve deep into experiences through a scientific lens. Your support propels our vision forward – creating an in-house lab dedicated to pioneering nourishing foods for the future. With every purchase, you relish quality and we give back to our global community. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our E3 digest & newsletter.